Corporate and Brand Identity
Why doesn’t every company – large and small – have some type of formal publication? There is no more credible, respectable “calling card” or marketing piece for a company – of any size – than a published book profiling its pioneers and telling the company’s story in whole or in part – a story that can include its history, mission, vision, values, objectives, culture, successes, and contributions within its industry and community.
A Corporate or Brand Identity publication can be created fairly quickly and published in a variety of cost-effective, high-impact formats – from a free pdf download or ebook to a formally published book in print.
Gold Leaf Press’ unique approach to the Corporate/Brand Identity genre is to create a book that the company not only utilizes as a “calling card”, a free download on their website, or a give-away PR piece, but can also become a marketable, sellable book to its relevant social communities, customers, and prospects. Gold Leaf Press Corporate/Brand Identity books have also been adopted at Community Colleges and Universities.